Production Order: 3
Air Order: 3
Stardate: 43152.4
Original Air Date: October 9, 1989
Picard's Log 43152.4: "Gonna go check out a distress call from a planet in the Something-Something system. Maybe we'll see some survivors, maybe the hostiles will still be there and we'll have to
They put the shields up, just in case, and swing in to check it out.
"I'm not hearing any greeting from the colony," says Data.
"Yeah, there are 11,000 people in this colony, and I should be picking up on those people, but I'm not," adds Troi.
Picard decides to put the planet on viewscreen. The planet is pretty much a rock in space.
"No life-forms," announces Worf.
"Where are the people?" asks Dr Crusher.
"Maybe they escaped," says Troi hopefully.
Realistic Ryan the android points out that this planet didn't have any interstellar craft.
Wes says he thinks he found a standing structure, and when Worf takes a scan, he says there are two life-forms there, maybe human.
The planet has a soul patch.
"The hell?" asks Riker. "How did the whole planet get obliterated, except for some trees and grass?"
Crusher suggests that it's an illusion, but Data says it's most def there.
"Go downstairs and ring the bell," Picard tells Riker.
Dramatic music! Opening credits break!
Picard and Troi take the lift with Crusher down to the transporter room. Crusher remarks that being the only survivors of a nuclear holocaust means that these people can't be doing well, and they ask Troi for clues.
"I get a weird vibe from them," she shrugs. "That's kind of it. Sorry."
They reach the transporter room, and Crusher leaves with Riker, Worf, Geordi and Data.
(I get why Riker is going - he's leading the away team. Worf is going because some unknown enemy destroyed 10,998 people. And Crusher is the CMO. But... why take the chief engineer, and his buddy, the android?)
That's... an interesting house.
And now, why Geordi is here...
"Geordi, look at the thing with your special eyes," directs Riker.
Geordi does, and shrugs. "It's a house."
"And this is just grass and trees," confirms Data. "No reason for this place to be spared."
Worf scans the house, and finds the two life-forms. Also, a phaser that doesn't work.
"Harmless," concludes Riker. "Let's knock on the door."
Too late, Geordi yells at Riker that there's something buried in the area where he's stepping, and Riker is hoisted into the air by his ankle. Lol, he stepped into a snare.
An old man appears. "Hey! Get off my lawn!"
He's got a phaser trained at them, but Worf has already reported that it doesn't work.
"Also, who the hell are you?"
Riker tells him who they are, and that they were getting a distress signal from the planet, and came to rescue survivors. This old dude is not keen on visitors.
But then his wife comes running out of the house, calling him Kevin, and scolding him for being rude. She says they were afraid that the whole Federation had been attacked, and they haven't seen any other colonists for days.
Geordi helps Riker down, and they all give the woman, named Rishon, a sad look.
She hadn't realized that she and Kevin were the only ones left.
Riker asks about the attackers. Kevin describes a huge ship, but says they had no idea who the attackers were, as they never saw their faces.
Rishon starts as Crusher scans then with a tricorder. Crusher apologizes, saying she's only doing a medical exam.
Consent, Crusher. OMG.
They give their names - Kevin and Rishon Uxbridge - and Data rattles off their backgrounds. they're botanists from Earth, and moved here five years earlier. They're both in their eighties, and Rishon composes music. When everyone looks askance at Data, he shrugs and says that he figured it would come in handy to memorize the colony's roster.
Yes, Data. Everyone does that.
Riker requests to go inside.
"Why?" asks Kevin suspiciously.
"Because you guys and this house were spared when everything and everyone else were wiped from the surface of the planet, and I want to know why," explains Riker.
"You think we were slated to survive?" demands Kevin. "Like, we betrayed the others?"
"No," says Riker. "But it is a mystery, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it."
They go inside.
Rishon offers to make tea, and then starts to tell Crusher how tea grows wild everywhere on his planet, but then she grows sad, because unless said tea grows on their soul patch of property, then it's totally gone now.
Worf Sassy Moment:
"Sir. May I say your attempt to hold the away team at bay with a nonfunctioning weapon was an act of unmitigated gall."
Kevin: (looking at the phaser) "Didn't fool you, huh?"
Worf: (smiling) "I admire gall."
Data checks out a tiny bell jar with some dancing figures inside. Rishon encourages him to pick it up, and explains that it's a music box, and has been in her family for generations. It plays a tiny, tinkly tune, and oddly, it also plays upstairs, where Troi is in her quarters. She is very confused as to why she suddenly hears music in her head.
Riker remarks to Crusher that the house is just a house, and Crusher says the Uxbridges are fine, if a little stressed, but that's kind of normal post-attack.
"Okay, so, time to leave," says Riker to the Uxbridges. "Do you need to pack?"
"We're not leaving!" protests Rishon. "This is our home!"
Maybe not the best choice, Rishon. What's with all of these episodes about people refusing to leave in the face of imminent danger?
Riker tries to convince them, to no avail. Finally, he takes off his comm badge and hands it to them, saying that the e is leaving, but they'll be in comm rage for a while, and to call in case anything happens, like their attackers returning, or them changing their minds.
Dramatic music for some reason! Commercial break!
Upstairs, the senior staff have gathered for a meeting in the Obs Lounge.
Troi is clearly still hearing that music, but it's distracting. She shifts in her chair and rubs at her temples. Sometimes the discussion in the meeting is turned down so we can hear the music play in the foreground. Riker watches her intently.
At one point, Picard asks Troi for her opinion on them, but she apologizes, saying she isn't getting much off them.
By the end of the meeting, they're decided that the Uxbridges probably weren't conspirators with whomever destroyed the colony, but that their continued living in that one square of land isn't sustainable. Especially because the water table is contaminated.
Just as the meeting is breaking up, Troi stands and announces that she isn't feeling well, and she'd like to go lay down in her quarters. Surprised, Picard grants it.
Later, Picard is making his way through the corridors when he's approached by Worf.
"I've checked, and there are no other ships in this system," says Worf confidently. "Whoever attacked the colony is gone."
"Sure about that?" asks Picard. "There was this one time where an admiral thought that some Andorians he was looking for had left an area, but it turns out the Andorians had taken their ship apart and just hidden the pieces."
"Yeah well, I'm more thorough than that," argues Worf. "I would wager my career that the ship is no longer here."
"Okay," replies an unmoved Picard.
Troi is in her quarters, and the music is still in her head. I have to admit, I'm getting tired of this music, and it isn't even playing in my head 24/7. She's starting to lose it.
Her door chimes ring, and she straightens up with a "don't appear crazy" look on her face, calling "Yes?"
Picard comes in. He is concerned that she isn't feeling well. She lies and says she's just tired, but he tells her in a friendly way that she's full of shit.
"Um, I'm hearing this music in my head?"
"Ah," he says. "Earworm. We've all been there."
"No, this is different," she says. "It started when the away team was on the surface and I was thinking of Rishon and Kevin, and this music just started playing. They're weird. I can't really wrap my mind around them."
Picard isn't sure what the cure for Annoying Psychic Music is, so he advises her to get some sleep, and to use sleep aids if necessary.
She agrees as a red alert goes off, and I can't help but wonder how irritating the combined sound of tinkly music box and red alert klaxon must be.
Picard goes to the bridge. A ship has come into view next to the planet.
"Whoa, it's huge," says Wes.
I'm going to fight the urge to reply "that's what she said" and instead point out that it looks to be about the same size as all of the ship models we've seen on this show. Riker can say that the scans show that it's five times the mass of the E, but we have to take his word for it.
Picard steps up to Worf. "Hey, didn't you say you'd wager your job on the ship being gone?"
"I, um... weeelllll," says Worf.
"It was hidden behind one of the planet's three moons," says Riker. "And it has enough weaponry to kill a planet."
Data hails them, and the ship gets the message, but ignores them.
Then it turns and fires on the E. The Enterprise rocks a little, but no damage is reported. The ship fires again. Same.
"Weeeak," says Picard. "Fire a warning shot with the phasers."
Worf does so, and it looks like he just has shitty aim, because the phaser goes right past the other ship. But then the thing turns tail and flies away.
"Bullshit," says Picard. "Follow that spaceship!"
They give chase. The other ship speeds up. The E matches. Then Wes is told to up the ante and overtake the other ship. The other ship now matches.
Geordi is called.
"We have a need for speed!" says Riker.
But then, as they chase the ship out of the system, Picard abruptly changes his mind.
"No. This is dumb. Let's go back."
"Ex-squeeze me?" asks Riker.
"We need to talk to the Uxbridges," answers Picard.
He turns on his heel and walks out.
The others are baffled.
Dramatic music! Commercial break!
Picard and Worf beam down to the surface, where Kevin and Rishon are playing in their garden.
"Hi, I'm Captain Picard. Worf and I have brought you a matter replicator, which you'll need if you're going to stay."
"We don't need that," Kevin starts to say, but Picard continues talking over him, extolling the virtues of the replicator.
"We do need that," Rishon tells her husband. "You're being a dick."
"They need to fuck off, and quit spying on us," says Kevin.
"We were about to have tea," Rishon tells Picard. "Would you like some?"
Picard agrees, because Rishon said the magic word.
They go up to the house.
Upstairs, Troi is full-on losing her mind. She cries and screams to a pair of blue-shirt assistants to make it stop. Crusher enters, and orders the assistants to move her to the bed, where she gives Troi something to help her relax. She mentions moving Troi to sick bay, but Troi refuses. Then she offers a sedative.
"I don't want to sleep, it will follow me!" Troi shrieks.
"I can induce a really deep sleep, block all your dreams," offers Crusher.
"It's not a dream, it's real!"
Rishon tells Picard and Worf their meet-cute. She was traveling with her parents on a ship, and he was some staring student in a rumpled suit and mismatched shoes who kept hanging around her. Two hours after they met, she asked him to marry her, and he accepted.
"I think he still regrets it," she quips.
Worf sips his tea, and makes a face.
"What do you think?" Rishon asks.
Typical Worf response, a deadpan, "Good tea. Nice house."
"How come you came here, at your age?" asks Picard.
"Rekindle our romance," answers Rishon. "And it worked."
"When are you leaving?" demands Kevin.
"Dunno," says Picard. "We chased a warship away from the planet a little while ago, but it may come back."
"I thought you said it left," an alarmed Rishon accuses Kevin.
"It spared us before, it'll do the same again," Kevin assures her.
"You sure of that?" asks Picard.
"No, but I don't like you upsetting my wife!" he barks back.
Picard asks for details of what happened, and Rishon describes the ground shaking and thunder.
"You're different," says Picard. "There was some reason why you were spared. Could be anything."
"We didn't fight," says Kevin. "That's how we were different. I refuse to kill anything. But the aliens wouldn't have known that."
He gets up and leaves the room.
"He hates violence," says Rishon.
"What about you?" asks Picard.
"I wanted to fight," she replies. "But I stayed with my husband." Then she adds. "I need to clean up now."
"Please come with us," says Picard.
"I can't leave Kevin," she says again.
Crusher tells an assistant that a sleeping Troi is behaving as though she can still hear the music, even though she shouldn't be able to. She toys with the idea of putting Troi in a coma to block all stimuli. Oops, red alert again.
The ship is back (shocker!).
On the bridge, Picard enters to hear Riker say, "The ship is back."
"I'm shocked," replies Picard.
This time, the ship fires a weapon that's much more powerful. Once, twice.
"Shields are down!" announces Worf.
"Hit it with a spread of everything," says Picard.
So Worf fires all weapons. Nothing happens. The weapons energy is absorbed by the other ship's shields.
They try a second barrage, but the other ship remains undamaged.
"Let's just go," sighs Picard.
That seems weird to me. This ship supposedly destroyed 11,000 Federation members, but Picard is opting to leave?
"What about Kevin and Rishon?" asks Riker.
"They should be fine," he answers.
Like, even if he has a hunch about something, that's still weird. Sure, the Uxbridges opted out of leaving, which puts them at the mercy of the ship, but it seems like Picard is gonna take some heat for not finding out who is piloting that ship, and why they would kill all those people.
"I don't think the Uxbridges are in danger," says Picard, as the other ship moves between the E and the planet.
Dramatic music! Commercial break!
Crusher and Picard are in Troi's quarters. Troi is out cold.
"I don't know what to do about this thing where she hears music," admits Crusher.
"Is it psychic?" he asks.
"Probably," she says. "But that's not my area of expertise."
"I bet it's Kevin and Rishon, blocking her from finding out what's going on," he guesses. He calls Riker. "Keep going in this direction for another hour, then take us back to the planet."
"Um, sorry?" asks Riker. "Our shields won't be up and running by then."
"Just do it," says Picard.
Man, all of this back and forth commuting cannot be good for their wear-and-tear. Also, they're traveling for an hour in the wrong direction, then going back again? What kind of time-table do they have for this mission? And aren't they communicating with Starfleet this whole time?
"So we gave up and left. Looks like maybe they're in cahoots with the ship, or something? I don't know. We're just leaving."
"Um, that's not a great plan, Enterprise."
"Oh, well."
"Fine. We'll get you another assignment."
*two hours later*
"Okay, we changed our minds. We're going back."
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The officers' quarters on this ship are freakin' sweet. |
We arrive back at the planet, and surprise, there's no warship.
"I think it's protecting the Uxbridges," says Picard. "It's not here because it thinks it ran us off. It responds to what they want, whether they know it or not. Anyway, I'm beaming down with Worf, and we'll find out if it's true or not when I beam back up."
"I'm baffled, sir," says Riker honestly.
They beam down. The Uxbridges are waltzing in their living room to the music box, and they seem surprised to see Picard and Worf.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," says Picard. "You didn't expect to ever see me again, because you thought you'd run us off."
"Fuck off," replies Kevin.
"Yeah, I'll leave the house, and I won't come back down here," says Picard. "But we're staying in orbit indefinitely."
"Why?" asks Rishon.
"Because the warship came back, and I think you're in danger. We'll stay in orbit as long as you guys are alive."
He and Worf turn and leave.
They beam back up, and return to the bridge.
Shortly afterward, Data and Worf report that the warship has returned, but the E doesn't have good shields or weapons yet.
"It's cool," says Picard.
The warship approaches, then moves into low orbit, and fires on the Uxbridge residence.
"Hmmm, saw that coming," remarks Picard.
Everyone on the bridge is astonished that he just let the warship kill two people without trying to stop it.
"Life-signs?" asks Picard.
Worf presses some buttons. "None."
"Uh-huh. Fire a torpedo at the ship." Picard replies.
Worf does so, and the ship blows up quickly and easily. No fancy energy-absorbing shields this time. No weapons fire back. The ship just explodes.
"Hey, Number One," says Picard casually. "Do we have any reason to stay here?"
"No," says Riker cautiously. "Uxbridges are dead, enemy ship was blown to bits."
"Cool. Take us into a higher orbit so we can chill there. But, you know, scan the surface sometimes."
"Um, for what?" asks Wes.
"Whatever pops up," shrugs Picard.
And he goes to the ready room.
Dramatic music! Commercial break!
Riker goes into the ready room.
"Okay: wtf, sir? We've been here three hours, staring at nothing."
Geez, three hours? Again, do these people have nothing but time?
"Yeah, I have a theory," says Picard. "It may not pan out, but I need to see first."
"What kind of theory?" asks Riker.
"I have a theory that something obliterated everyone on this planet, and only left one survivor, who has been screwing with us this whole time."
On the bridge, Worf complains to Geordi.
"Why are we still here?"
"Because the house just reappeared?" says Geordi, checking his screen. He pages Picard.
Picard and Riker re-enter.
"House just reappeared in front of us," says Geordi. "Grass, trees, the whole kit and kaboodle."
Picard asks for life-signs.
"Two," says a surprised Worf.
"Sweet. Beam 'em up to the bridge."
"They'll be pissed," says Data.
"Let 'em," says Picard.
They beam the pair to the bridge.
"The fuck?" demands Kevin. "Leave us alone!"
"No," says Picard. "You've been screwing with us since we got here, and your actions have caused psychic damage to one of my crew members because she would have figured out your secret."
"What do you think that Kevin has done?" demands Rishon.
"Your house was destroyed in the attack, Rishon. But Kevin has the ability to recreate things. Create, destroy, repeat, repeat," says Picard calmly.
She protests that Picard is upsetting sensitive Kevin, but her husband encourages her, sadly, to listen to Picard.
"Kevin wanted us away from the planet," says Picard, "because nothing about this situation added up, and he couldn't explain it. So he sent in this warship to get us out of the system. Then I went to your house again, and I actually told you the only reason why the E would leave orbit for good: your deaths. So Kevin made it a good one, having the warship show up to blow you away."
"I feel bad about your crew member," says Kevin. "I'll help her. But what will you do with me afterward?"
"Take you to a starbase and let them decide," says Picard. "You attacked my ship and my crew member, and may have killed 11,000 people."
"He wouldn't do that!" says Rishon. "My husband wouldn't kill anyone!"
"No," says Kevin wearily. "The attack on the planet was real. I didn't kill those people."
"Fill in the blanks, Kevin. Tell us about Rishon."
Kevin turns away, and Picard fills in the blanks with his guesses.
"You died defending the colony," Picard tells Rishon. "Kevin recreated the house, the property, the warship... and you."
Rishon disappears.
Creepily. Until only her eyes and some peachey smudges are left, then they disappear also.
"You're not human," says Picard.
Kevin looks at him scornfully, then disappears into this bluish light before going completely transparent.
"Turbolift!" shouts Geordi.
"Let him go," says Picard. "I want him to know that we won't hurt him."
"He's dangerous!" protests Worf.
"Naw, he could have killed us a thousand times over," reasons Picard. "Also, if he's the creature he claims to be, he'll help Troi first."
Crusher enters Troi's quarters to see Kevin standing over Troi.
"I fixed it so she won't hear the music anymore," he says. "She was starting to figure out who I was. I've lived as a human for over 50 years, and no one suspected, but her. I had to keep my secret."
Picard comes in. "The whole story now, Kevin."
So Kevin tells his story: he's a Douwd, an immortal being who can change shape and create illusions. Fifty years earlier, he was traveling as a human and fell in love with Rishon. He set aside his powers to be her husband, and they lived pretty much happily ever after. They came to this planet to retire (though you know that Rishon would have died first, as Kevin will not). The colony was attacked by a group of people known as the Husnock. Kevin attempted to fool the Husnock like he fooled the Enterprise, but it only made the Husnock angrier. Rishon ran to help the colonists fight, but she was killed with the others. Kevin, in his devastation, killed the Husnock.
"You tried to trick us because you felt guilty for not helping Rishon and the others?" asks Crusher.
"No, you don't understand the scope of what I did," sobs Kevin. "In my grief, I didn't just kill a few Husnock. I killed all of them. Everywhere. Fifty billion people. I wiped out the entire species. I had this nice way of life, I wouldn't kill a living thing, and then I committed genocide."
Picard stares at him. "Go back to the planet, Kevin," he says quietly. "Remake your house and your wife. We don't have a punishment to fit your crime."
Kevin briefly transfers back to the being of blue light before disappearing.
Picard's Log 43153.7: "We are departing the Rana system for Starbase 133. We leave behind a being of extraordinary power and conscience. I'm not certain if he should be praised or condemned only that he should be left alone."
Man, I don't know about this episode, you guys. Like, it's not terrible, but it is apparently forgettable. The other day I encountered an episode of Futurama that I'd never seen before, even though that's a show that I frequently have on in the background. I guess maybe I just kept missing it time and again? So when I sat down to do my preliminary watch of this episode, I absolutely couldn't recall any of it... until Ann Haney appeared on-screen, and I thought, "No, I have seen this." It's kind of sad when you completely forget an episode, especially considering that the odds are good that I've seen it a few times.
So what's good and bad about it?
Kevin's story is pretty solid, a guy who lives as a human for fifty years, and his human wife never finds out that he's immortal. That was interesting.
Troi's side-story about hearing music constantly (especially tinkly music box music) is horror-film-esque, and I wouldn't label it as good or bad so much as just... "there." It exists, and was a means to an end of Kevin getting Troi out of the way. Meh.
Bad: they tried to make the ending poignant or something. Kevin's story ends badly. His wife dies, and the colony is obliterated. But then he breaks whatever vow he made, and completely destroys an entire species, probably in the blink of an eye. Guy has power that should not be messed with. Granted, the Husnock sound like jerks, but how much of a reliable narrator is Kevin? Maybe the Husnock were not as awful as he makes them out to be. We have no idea. We also have no idea why they attacked the colony. Maybe they were being jerks. Maybe, like the Sheliak last week, they had a right to be there, and didn't bother going through proper channels. But like Lee Harvey Oswald, we won't get the answer from the horse's mouth.
Instead, Picard says "We have no punishment for your crime," and basically tells him to go back to his life. Strange that he would do that. Does what Kevin did not count as genocide? Because the Federation absolutely has a punishment for that. It was discussed in TOS' "Conscience of the King."
The Federation does not take kindly to mass murder, whether it was slow or happened in a instant. Did Picard walk away because he felt that Kevin's conscience would weigh him down plenty through the millennia, providing an adequate punishment? What's to stop him from losing his shit in the same way, and doing it again? Did Picard shy away from consequences here because Kevin has more power than anyone he's ever encountered? He didn't seem to fear retaliation, and I feel like Kevin probably would have accepted any punishment that Picard would have handed him.
Or maybe he's decided that the Federation should handle it instead. They're making for the nearest starbase, and you know that he's going to have to report the whole story to Starfleet. They'll know who Kevin is, and where to find him. maybe Picard thinks that Kevin, instead of staying on the planet, will take off and go someplace else before Starfleet returns. I really don't know. Picard seems to have made up his mind about hauling Kevin in for the slaughter of 11,000 colonists, but when it becomes 50 billion Husnock, a species that it sounds like he's never heard of before, he just kind of says, "I don't know what to do with that," and lets Kevin go. There's... a weird ambiguity there. Some ambiguities can be satisfying, but this one doesn't quite make it for me. I want to know how it played out, and that didn't happen.
Fun Facts:
- Actor Ann Haney (Rishon Uxbridge) has been in pretty much everything. We'll also see her again in an episode of DS9. She didn't start acting until she had hit her forties. When questioned as to the late start she quipped, "My husband died, my daughter went to college, the dog got fleas, and the maid quit, so I had to come to Hollywood."
- Actor John Anderson, who played Kevin Uxbridge, had lost his wife a few months before, so taking on this role was especially hard for him. In a strange coincidence, he once played a grieving widower obsessed with his wife's music box in an episode of "Little House on the Prairie."
- This is the first time we see Deana Troi's asymmetrical turquoise dress with matching tights and heels. She'll sometimes still wear the rompers, though.
- The original title for this episode was "The Veiled Planet."
- The outdoor scenes were shot at a Malibu beach house in California.
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Jonathan Frakes doing the snare stunt. |
- There's an interesting continuation here, concerning the aging of humans in the future. Both Anderson and Haney were hired to play characters that were supposedly twenty and thirty years older than themselves. When paired with the fact that Dr McCoy is presented as being 137 years old in the first episode of TNG, this suggests that humans have all gotten to the point where extreme old age is no longer considered quite so extreme.
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Filming on location. The guy dressed like Riker is Dan Koko, Frakes' stunt man. |
Red deaths: 0
To date: 0
Gold deaths: 0
Blue deaths: 0
Unnamed color crew deaths: 0
Unnamed color crew deaths: 0
Obnoxious Wes moments: 0
Legitimate Wes moments when he should have told someone to go fuck themselves: 0
To date: 0
To date: 0
Sassy Geordi moments: 0
To date: 1
To date: 1
Sassy Wes Moments: 0
To date: 0
To date: 0
Sassy Worf Moment: 1
To date: 1
To date: 1
Sassy Riker Moments: 0
To date: 1
To date: 1
Sassy Picard Moments: 0
To date: 3
To date: 3
Sassy NPC Moments: 0
To date: 0
Sassy Data Moments: 0
To date: 0
Sassy O'Brien Moments: 0
To date: 0
Sassy Crusher Moments: 0
To date: 1
Sassy Troi Moments: 0
To date: 1
Sassy Guest Star Moments: 0
To date: 2
To date: 0
Sassy Data Moments: 0
To date: 0
Sassy O'Brien Moments: 0
To date: 0
Sassy Crusher Moments: 0
To date: 1
Sassy Troi Moments: 0
To date: 1
Sassy Guest Star Moments: 0
To date: 2
Number of times that it is mentioned that Data is an android: 0
To date: 7
To date: 7
Number of times that Troi reacts to someone else's feelings: 0
To date: 2
To date: 2
Maybe Picard let Kevin go, because...what would they do if Kevin simply refused to come along? This seems to be a dude with almost Q-like powers. How do you punish someone like that?
ReplyDeleteThat was really the only thing I could come up with. They were pretty gung-ho to punish Karidian for the same crime, but Karidian was just a regular human, not an omnipotent being.
DeleteI remember this episode because, when I saw it as a teen, the climactic revelation kinda blew my mind. The ambiguous final log entry also helped, making it one of those memorable Trek episodes with a quiet, downer ending, like "City On the Edge of Forever".
ReplyDeleteIt is funny that you mention that this episode is forgettable. I know that when TNG was broadcast, I was glued to my TV and didn't miss an episode when it was first broadcast. However, when watching repeats a few years later, I saw this episode and had absolutely no recollection of seeing it before. To this day I don't know if I just missed it the first time around or if I just forgot about it completely. It is the only Star Trek episode of any series that makes me feel this way.
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